Stephen Adams

Stephen Adams

October 24, 1969 ~ September 28, 2011 | 41

Stephen Adams

Steve Adams YORK Stephen "Steve" Adams, 41, of 1380 King Road died Wednesday, September 28, 2011, at Piedmont Medical Center in Rock Hill. A native of California, Steve was a son of Carl Adams and Grace Messer Adams. In addition to his parents, he is survived by three sisters. Bratton Funeral Home in York is serving the Adams family.

26 Days until next birthday (10/24/2011 or 24/10/2011)
339 Days since previous birthday (10/24/2010 or 24/10/2010)
271 Day of the year passed on
94 Remaining days in the year
68 9/28/2011   (9 + 28 + 20 + 11)
41 Years lived
15314 Total days lived