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It is with deep sympathy we announce the passing of Beulah Lee Tatum Ragland who transitioned on Tuesday August 20 2024 at the age of 76. We ask that you keep her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Mrs. Beulah Lee Tatum Ragland was born on December 30 1947 to...
Norma Jean Bartlett age 94 of Albany passed away Tuesday evening March 19 2024 at her home. Born Sept. 19 1929 in The Plains she was the daughter of the late Harry G. Lovsey and Blanche Cochran Lovsey. A 1947 graduate of Waterloo High School she was employed as a secretary at McBees Corporation for ...
Norma Jean Bartlett age 94 of Albany passed away Tuesday evening March 19 2024 at her home. Born Sept. 19 1929 in The Plains she was the daughter of the late Harry G. Lovsey and Blanche Cochran Lovsey. A 1947 graduate of Waterloo High School she was employed as a secretary at McBees Corporation for ...
Early Friday morning March 17 2023 Rebekah Becky Jo Brewer Cooksey of Brandon MS was reunited with her heavenly family and fell into the arms of her Heavenly Father and her Lord Jesus. She left us at the age of 87. She was born September 17 1935 in Cascilla MS. She was one of 16 children and grew up...
LaShonda Miles of Atlanta Georgia passed on January 16 2023. Funeral Services will take place on Saturday January 21 2023 at 100 PM at the Chapel Hill Missionary Baptist Church 185 Northside Dr. SW Atlanta GA 30313.Interment Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery. The remains will be placed in state at the c...
Ruby Hockett Geike passed away June 13 2022 at the Torrington Wyoming hospital She was born September 27 1927 in Lusk Wyoming to Arthur and Violet Burkehart Hockett They lived north of Manville Wyoming until Ruby was three years old when the family moved to near Marsland Nebraska She attended countr...