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Richard Alan Ryba 74 of Lower Burrell passed away peacefully with his family by his side in his home on Saturday August 31 2024. He was born December 8 1949 in Denver CO to the late Ted and Helen Hallas Ryba. Richard graduated from Burrell High School in 1967 from the University of Pittsburgh with a...
Infant twins Andrew Scott Sipe and Bradley Dale Sipe departed this world on Friday July 12 2024 at West Penn Hospital Pittsburgh in their mothers and fathers arms. The infant sons of William Clarence Sipe and Nicole Lynn Lookabaugh Andrew and Bradley gave us a lifetime of love during their very shor...
John E. Sennett Jr. 63 of Lower Burrell passed away unexpectedly in his home on Thursday January 4 2024. He was born in Natrona Heights son of John E. Jack Sennett Sr. and Jean Herbulock Sennett of Lower Burrell. John was a safety engineer for the steel industry. He also taught safety for the Pa. Ga...