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A time to be born and a time to die a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted Ecclesiastes 32 Mother Rachel James was born January 9 1936 to the late Robert and Lela Johnson in Selma Alabama. She was employed at Liberty Memorial Hospital now Liberty Regional Medical Center as a Di...
Psalms 23 The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His names sake. Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of You prepare a table before me in ...
Obituary will be available at a later date. Milton Edward Smith was born September 2 1954 in Trenton NC to Clen andLydia Jarman Smith. Milton was such a happy and joyful baby that he was first nick named HappyJack then later named coined the name Sunny Boy Milton received his educated in t h e Jones...
Lee Joseph Bacon Mr. Joe was born to the late Myrtice Lee GeorgeBacon and Leroy Frost Bacon Sr. He was born and grew From an early age Lee was an active and adventurous child. He joined Mt. Zion Missionary Church as a little boy and spent his childhood surrounded by faith family and the joys of a co...
Evangelist Nancy Marie Lowe was born April 17 1959 toJanie Bowens Foster. On the early morning of February 7 2025 she answered Gods call at Select SpecialtyHospital.Nancy was a giver and she loved serving the Lord. Shehad a great passion for cooking and was known for hersalmon rice.Evangelist Nancy ...