Thelma Bradford

Thelma Jean Bradford

August 01, 1933 ~ April 23, 2011 | 77

Thelma Bradford

Thelma Bradford was born in toone tn on 8/1/1933 and passed on 4/23/2011. She is survived by her husband Travis Bradfor, daughter Sheila and Lance Ruport, Son Neal and Karen Bradford, Son Reed and Barbra Bradfor. She had 7 great grandchildren, Laqueta,Amy,Neal III,Trent,Tysha,Ashley and Garrett and 6 great great grandchildren, Alice,Chris,Hailey,Tyler,Emily and Katie.

Mom we all miss you forever.

100 Days until next birthday (8/1/2011 or 1/8/2011)
265 Days since previous birthday (8/1/2010 or 1/8/2010)
113 Day of the year passed on
252 Remaining days in the year
58 4/23/2011   (4 + 23 + 20 + 11)
77 Years lived
28389 Total days lived