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Erica KimbleMadison made her transition from this world on Wednesday January 31 2024. She was born and raisedin Gary IN. Erica later moved to Tampa FL to accept a position as a Senior Mortgage Analyst and Underwriter for Bank of America where she was employed shortly before her death. She was a funl...
Veiola Johnson Patterson at the age of 99 departed this earthly life on Sunday January 7 2024. "The Heavens were filled with joy when she entered into the Kingdom of the Lord". There were twelve 12 children of which she was the fourth 4th child born to the union of the late Marion and Mamie Johnson....
Russell Richardson Jr 48 a native of Terrebonne Parish and a resident of Gray LA passed away on Tuesday November 29 2022 Funeral services will be observed on Saturday December 10 2022 from 800 AM until funeral time at 1000 AM at Jones Funeral Home 230 S Hollywood Rd Houma LA 70360 He is survived by ...