Obituaries in Wakefield, RI

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Obituaries in Wakefield, RI

Dorothy  Welch Records
Dorothy Welch Records

Since 1863 we have provided families in South County with caring and professional service. To maintain high standards people have come to expect from us we are always looking for better ways to serve you. Our family and staff have developed a tradition of caring by assisting families with funeral ar...

Read Dorothy Welch Records's Obituary

Jane Victoria CooleyFayerweather
Jane Victoria CooleyFayerweather

Since 1863 we have provided families in South County with caring and professional service. To maintain high standards people have come to expect from us we are always looking for better ways to serve you. Our family and staff have developed a tradition of caring by assisting families with funeral ar...

Read Jane Victoria CooleyFayerweather's Obituary

Jr. John Anthony Cervieri
Jr. John Anthony Cervieri

Since 1863 we have provided families in South County with caring and professional service. To maintain high standards people have come to expect from us we are always looking for better ways to serve you. Our family and staff have developed a tradition of caring by assisting families with funeral ar...

Read Jr. John Anthony Cervieri's Obituary

Nancy Lee Mclaughlin
Nancy Lee Mclaughlin

Since 1863 we have provided families in South County with caring and professional service. To maintain high standards people have come to expect from us we are always looking for better ways to serve you. Our family and staff have developed a tradition of caring by assisting families with funeral ar...

Read Nancy Lee Mclaughlin's Obituary

Antonio QuotJayQuot Sciola
Antonio QuotJayQuot Sciola

Since 1863 we have provided families in South County with caring and professional service. To maintain high standards people have come to expect from us we are always looking for better ways to serve you. Our family and staff have developed a tradition of caring by assisting families with funeral ar...

Read Antonio QuotJayQuot Sciola's Obituary