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Arrangements for private cremation entrusted to the Dearborn location of the HowePeterson Funeral Home and Cremation Services.
Beloved wife of the late Gordon. Loving mother of Tammy Jim and Dean Reynolds Genette. Dearest grandmother of Daniel Metiva and Devon Larese. Arrangements for private cremation entrusted to the Dearborn location of the HowePeterson Funeral Home and Cremation Services.
Sharon Jeanine Lea passed away on February 16 2025 at the age of 63. Beloved wife of the late Joseph Henry Lea. Loving aunt of Jason Jenny Mandy Becky Miranda and Wayne. Sharon is also survived by many loving friends and family. She is predeceased by her parents Vernon and Velma and by her siblings ...
Beloved husband of Linda Kuehnel Hurley. Loving father of Thomas T.J. Hurley. Dearest brother of Margaret Pomeroy Ann Stone Robert Thomas Hurley Cecilia Nora VanFossen Charles and brotherinlaw of James and Rose Kuehnel Richard and Teresa Kuehnel and Joann and Oscar Ruiz. Also survived by many nieces...
Complete obituary coming soon. Private cremation services entrusted to the Dearborn Location of the HowePeterson Funeral Home and Cremation Services.