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Jason Edward Zimmerman age 52 of Parma MI formerly of Jackson MI passed away on February 16 2025. He was born on July 6 1972 in Jackson MI the son of Allen Rocky and Vonda Lee Mullins Zimmerman. Jason was an outdoorsman who loved hunting and fishing. He worked as a machinist at Melling Industries fo...
Jack LeRoy Joseph of Mason Michigan passed away on February 18 2025 at his home. He was born the son of Walter and Francis Joseph on April 16 1948. A funeral service will take place on Saturday February 22 2025 from the Caskey Mitchell Funeral Home at 100 p.m. Visitation will be a the funeral home ...
Bernice Gileczek beloved matriarch peacefully passed away on February 14 2025. She was born on July 23 1927 in Detroit MI to Jerome and Mae Johannes Dueweke. Bernices greatest joy was her love of family and devotion to her many friends and her Catholic faith. To her grandchildren she was the epito...
Kathleen Stack Kimmel age 61 passed away on February 12 2025 at her home in Grass Lake Michigan. She was born on May 20 1963 to Daniel and Virginia Sinclair Stack. Kathleen had a heart for people and was deeply connected to the Stockbridge community. She loved spending time with her family and was p...
John Alexander Lozon 66 of Stockbridge MI passed away peacefully at his home on February 8 2025. He was born in Detroit MI on April 29 1958 the son of George T. and Priscilla Sielka Lozon. John proudly served his country in the U.S. Navy from 1975 to 1979. After completing his service he worked as a...