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John Steward Shepherd of Staffordsville Virginia departed this life February 18 2025 in his home. Born November 3 1949 he was a son of the late Nellie Ratcliffe. John served his country proudly as a SP4 in the United States Army during the Vietnam Campaign. He received during that time his Combat In...
Robert Lee Neice Jr. affectionately known as Robbie age 69 of Pearisburg Virginia departed this life February 17 2025 in the care of Carilion New River Valley Medical Center. Born on May 15 1955 he was a son of the late Robert Lee Neice Sr and Deloris Martin Neice. Robbie was proud of his service he...
With heavy hearts we announce the passing of our beloved mother Bonnetta Bonnie Ratcliff who stepped into heaven to be reunited with her husband and many other precious loved ones in the early morning hours of February 9 2025. Bonnie had fought a hard battle against pneumonia along with other health...
Baby Dawsen Lane St. Clair was born on February 8 2025 in Roanoke Virginia to her parents Brandon and Becca Price St Clair. Baby Dawsen shortly departed this world under the care of Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital on February 8 2025. Dawsen was born into the warm and loving family of Brandon and ...
Beverly Reed Kanode Bebie passed away February 8 2025. Bebie was a wonderful loving person that would give you her last dime. Bebie had 20 years with the United States Postal Service. Bebie is survived by her loving son Christopher Todd Kanode daughterinlaw Kim Kanode a cherished grandson Jonathan K...