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She is survived by her children Darrell Jr. Melanie Elya Linda Jose Beltran Levasseur Alan Heather Elya Mike Elya and Deanna Martin Hartman grandchildren Ashley Breeanna Alan Jr. Caden Emerson Mckinlee Cody Evelyn Ocean and Kaylene great grandchildren Alexis Colton Naomi Elijah Angel and Gabby and m...
Kathleen was preceded in death by her parents Leroy and Evelyn Stern sister Janet Greenlee nephew Jeffrey Morrison. She is survived by her loving husband of 55 years James Sparks daughters Kolleen Hoffman Kelley Tom Maxwell and Kristine Sparks grandchildren Adrian Andrew Emily Shannon and Arabella H...
He is survived by his brother John Albin daughter Shannan Garcia granddaughter Skyler Garcia great granddaughters Joslynn and Kinnzley.
He is survived by his sister Cindy Pete Zalovich brother Jim Linda Kusek niece Kim Mike Rodriguez and many more nieces nephews family and friends.
Mary was preceded in death by her loving husband of 61 years William F. Andersen son Billy Andersen parents Lawrence and LaVina Thraen brothers Joseph Thraen and John Thraen. She is survived by his sons Larry Denise Steve Kate Mike Tess 9 grandsons 2 granddaughters sisterinlaw Geraldine Koch brother...