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Grover Nevin Tom Englebert passed away on February 4 2025 at Gettysburg Hospital he was 94. Tom was born at home in Hunterstown on April 30 1930. He was the son of the late Huber Sr. and Bernice Evans Englebert. Tom was a graduate of Gettysburg High School Class of 1948. He worked for G.C. Murphy in...
Mary H. Agnello Sanders 86 years of age passed on Tuesday December 10 2024 at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Mary was born on August 21 1938 in Baltimore MD not far from Johns Hopkins Hospital to Joseph V. Agnello and Helena Reigle Agnello. She was the second of four daughters one Joan Butler who has prece...
Phyllis M. Runk Caruso 89 of Hanover passed away peacefully at Homewood at Plum Creek on Tuesday January 14 2025. She was the beloved wife of Kenneth Skip Watson who passed away in 1963 then of Frank Skip Caruso from 1968 until his passing in 2011. Born September 20 1935 in Hanover she was a daughte...
Catherine L. Gilbert Wiles 84 of Gettysburg PA formerly of Frederick MD passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Saturday October 26 2024 at Gettysburg Hospital. She was the beloved wife of the late Charles W. Wiles with whom she shared many cherished years of marriage. Born on October 27 1939...
Kathleen P. Kircher 81 passed away on Tuesday October 8 2024. A resident of Gettysburg since 1973 she was predeceased by her husband of 54 years Ross H. Kircher. Kathy was born on March 18 1943 in Norristown PA to Albert T. and Elizabeth M. Kline. She was also predeceased by her sister Mary E. DeChr...