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A memorial service will be held on Thursday May 4 2023 at 1100AM in New Life Assembly of God Church.
Robert Bob L. Lane Sr. of Richmond VA passed away in his home on April 29 2023. He is preceded in death by his wife of 54 years Shirley his parents Chester and Polly his brother Dennis his soninlaw Bill Plowden and his nephew Grant Clark. He is survived by his daughter Dana son Robert Jana and his g...
Sue Ellen Case 80 of Gallipolis and formerly of Farmville Virginia passed away at 1000 p.m. on Thursday April 6 2023 in the Holzer Medical Center Gallipolis. Born January 19 1943 in Martins Ferry Ohio she was the daughter of the late James L. and Juanita I. Anderson Pasco. She was a homemaker and a ...
Mrs. Delma Baker Barron R.N. born July 2 1951 in Columbus Ohio shook off her mortal coils leaving this life on Thursday March 23 2023 at Hickory Hill Retirement Community in Burkeville VA.Longtime resident of Buckingham County Delma is the daughter of William R and Edith M Baker of Camp Springs MD w...
She was preceded in death by her parents Elvan Leonard and Luvania Leonard and her brothers Carlton Leonard Dewey Leonard Alvin Leonard Stanley Leonard sisters Minnie Ruth Leonard Nancy Ann Philps. She is survived by her children David Michael Baker Edwin Newton Baker Chris Michael Bishop Karen E. A...
I send prayers of strength and comfort to my college friend Wendy Gilliam Daniel and her family during this difficult time of coping with the loss of the family patriarch With all my love Fanita Sawyer
Sending our prayers and condolences during this time of loss. God Bless You Al Robin Durr FMZBC
Edward County Public Schools graduating from high school in 1975. Throughout his adult life Andrew worked various jobs and was a
elvin began his journey on October 4 1952. He was born to the late Branch and Martha Hendricks the 3rd of 5 children. He was baptized and joined Sulphur Spring Baptist Church at an early age. He was a graduate of Prince Edward County High School in 1971. He was employed at Winn Dixie in Farmvill...
At an early age Bobby confessed Christ as his Savior was baptized and joined Mount Pleasant Baptist Church of Hixburg Virginia. He received his education through the Appomattox County Public School System. He was a loving caring strong and hardworking man. He was a devoted father who worked unselfis...