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Jane A. HierRose age 89 passed away February 17 2025. She was born in Detroit Michigan to immigrant parents the late Herman Hier and Mary nee. Murray Hier. She was preceded in death by her husband Henry Rose a lifelong self employed florist and her dear brothers Michael and Daniel Hier and their wiv...
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Donald Edward Laughlin aged 78 passed away peacefully at home in Canton Michigan on February 8 2025. He was born on October 22 1946 in Youngstown Ohio and grew up in Boardman Ohio. He attended Youngstown State University where he earned a degree in mechanical engineering. It was there that he met th...
He was the beloved husband of Christine for just shy of 57 years. Loving father of Jeremy Brook and Charles K. Cherished grandfather of Abby. Visitation for Mr. Parkinson will be held on Sunday February 16th from 300 p.m. until 800 p.m. with an evening Rosary Service at McCabe Funeral Home 31950 W. ...
Mary Ann was born to Peter and Rose Novak in 1931 in Cass City Michigan. Marys life spanned the depths of the Great Depression being one of the last students to attend the oneroom Stone School in Cass City to recalling the radio announcement of the attack on Pearl Harbor and her teacher crying joyfu...