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It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Roy Rogers Chance 81 of 232 Old Glade Rd. Whiteville on Monday October 28 2024. At this time there are no services planned. The family will share details regarding the Celebration of Mr. Chances life at a later date. Please keep them in...
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mrs. Clarece Denning 100 of 10325 Fanny Brown Rd. Raleigh on Wednesday October 23 2024. The arrangements are incomplete at this time.
Mr. Johnny Vandergriff 58 of 127 Bailey Way Road Lillington NC departed this life on Sunday October 20 2024. Arrangements are incomplete at this time.
Mr. Thomas Clinton Judd 65 of 111 Applewood Drive Broadway NC departed this life on Saturday October 19 2024. Arrangements are incomplete at this time.
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Mr. Roger King Jr. 85 of 1842 Fountain Dr. Raleigh on Tuesday October 15 2024. The arrangements are incomplete at this time.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Roy Rogers Chance 81 of 232 Old Glade Rd. Whiteville on Monday October 28 2024. At this time there are no services planned. The family will share details regarding the Celebration of Mr. Chances life at a later date. Please keep them in...
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mrs. Clarece Denning 100 of 10325 Fanny Brown Rd. Raleigh on Wednesday October 23 2024. The arrangements are incomplete at this time.
Mr. Johnny Vandergriff 58 of 127 Bailey Way Road Lillington NC departed this life on Sunday October 20 2024. Arrangements are incomplete at this time.
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Mr. Roger King Jr. 85 of 1842 Fountain Dr. Raleigh on Tuesday October 15 2024. The arrangements are incomplete at this time.
Mr. Thomas Clinton Judd 65 of 111 Applewood Drive Broadway NC departed this life on Saturday October 19 2024. Arrangements are incomplete at this time.
It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Roy Rogers Chance 81 of 232 Old Glade Rd. Whiteville on Monday October 28 2024. At this time there are no services planned. The family will share details regarding the Celebration of Mr. Chances life at a later date. Please keep them in...
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Mrs. Clarece Denning 100 of 10325 Fanny Brown Rd. Raleigh on Wednesday October 23 2024. The arrangements are incomplete at this time.
Mr. Johnny Vandergriff 58 of 127 Bailey Way Road Lillington NC departed this life on Sunday October 20 2024. Arrangements are incomplete at this time.
It is with profound sorrow that we announce the passing of Mr. Roger King Jr. 85 of 1842 Fountain Dr. Raleigh on Tuesday October 15 2024. The arrangements are incomplete at this time.
Mr. Thomas Clinton Judd 65 of 111 Applewood Drive Broadway NC departed this life on Saturday October 19 2024. Arrangements are incomplete at this time.