Obituaries in Cresaptown, MD

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Obituaries in Cresaptown, MD

Forest Lee Corley "Butch"
Forest Lee Corley "Butch"

Both our Cumberland and Cresaptown facilities operate under the name of Scarpelli Funeral Home P.A. Our kind caring staff gives us the ability to provide personalized services at both locations. Our personal services begin in our comfortable surroundings. With the community in mind we have taken spe...

Read Forest Lee Corley "Butch"'s Obituary

John Dale Lohr
John Dale Lohr

Both our Cumberland and Cresaptown facilities operate under the name of Scarpelli Funeral Home P.A. Our kind caring staff gives us the ability to provide personalized services at both locations. Our personal services begin in our comfortable surroundings. With the community in mind we have taken spe...

Read John Dale Lohr's Obituary

Steven Russell Liller
Steven Russell Liller

Both our Cumberland and Cresaptown facilities operate under the name of Scarpelli Funeral Home P.A. Our kind caring staff gives us the ability to provide personalized services at both locations. Our personal services begin in our comfortable surroundings. With the community in mind we have taken spe...

Read Steven Russell Liller's Obituary

Forest "Butch" Lee Corley
Forest "Butch" Lee Corley

Both our Cumberland and Cresaptown facilities operate under the name of Scarpelli Funeral Home P.A. Our kind caring staff gives us the ability to provide personalized services at both locations. Our personal services begin in our comfortable surroundings. With the community in mind we have taken spe...

Read Forest "Butch" Lee Corley's Obituary

Marie Elaine Brehm Coffman
Marie Elaine Brehm Coffman

Both our Cumberland and Cresaptown facilities operate under the name of Scarpelli Funeral Home P.A. Our kind caring staff gives us the ability to provide personalized services at both locations. Our personal services begin in our comfortable surroundings. With the community in mind we have taken spe...

Read Marie Elaine Brehm Coffman's Obituary