Obituaries in Brook Park, OH

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Obituaries in Brook Park, OH

Lupe Rosales Reyes Sr.
Lupe Rosales Reyes Sr.

Devoted Father of Lupe Dawn Reyes Jr. Dorothy Noel Bradford Paul Reyes deceased Tina Larrydeceased Henderson and Suzana Reyes. The family will receive friends in celebration of Lupes life at Humenik Funeral Chapel 14200 Snow Rd. Brook Park 44142 on Thursday February 20 from 48 PM where Funeral Servi...

Read Lupe Rosales Reyes Sr.'s Obituary

Richard  Jerome Yager
Richard Jerome Yager

age 91 passed away on February 8 2025. Richard is survived in life by Lois his beloved wife of 67 years and his children Mitchell wife Lourdes Lisa husband Michael. He was a devoted husband and father and loved spending time with his grand children Madison Michael Mitchel Lauren and Great Grand Chil...

Read Richard Jerome Yager's Obituary

Barbara Ann Bobbie Macpherson
Barbara Ann Bobbie Macpherson

Cherished Grandmother of Heidi Jason Michael Julianne Lindsie Morgan Caitlin Evan Sara Tristan and Megan Ethan. Loving GreatGrandmother to twelve greatgrandchildren. Born August 19 1934 in Harrisburg PA. She was a daddys girl and her dad called her Bobbie and that has been her name ever since. As a ...

Read Barbara Ann Bobbie Macpherson's Obituary

Charles Joseph Martin Jr.
Charles Joseph Martin Jr.

Devoted Father of Sherri Steve Lemming Charles Sandra Martin III Timothy Rochelledeceased Martin Carl Kimberly Clemens Linda Clemens Eric Chris Clemens Nancy Clemens and Greg Sasha Clemens. Joe loved the outdoors the tranquility of nature and camping. He also found great joy in being by the water fi...

Read Charles Joseph Martin Jr.'s Obituary

Randy James Noe
Randy James Noe

Randy was born and raised in Cleveland Ohio the first in the family to be born outside of Tennessee to the loving parents James Oliver and Betty Jo Noe Hutchings. It was here that he grew in his love for Cleveland sports occasionally the Pittsburgh Steelers and Harley Davidson. Upon graduating fro...

Read Randy James Noe's Obituary