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Mary Beth Cecil Holle of Flower Mound TX passed away June 3 2023 at the age of 70. She will be buried at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Cemetery of William Penn. The funeral service will be held at Memorial Oaks Chapel on Thursday June 8 2023 at 1000 a.m. with Pastor Rusty Sullivan and Pastor Nick Schmid...
A visitation will be held with family present on Tuesday June 6 2023from 57 pm at Memorial Oaks Chapel. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Memorial Oaks Chapel 1306 West Main Street Brenham TX 77833.
Wade Bubba Earl Jurries 75 of Brenham passed away on June 1 2023 at Baylor Scott and White Hospital in Brenham. Wade was born on August 29 1947 in Brenham TX to Alvin and Ora Nell Wickel Jurries. Wade was baptized on November 9 1947 at Grace Lutheran Church of Brenham. He received the Holy Rite of C...
Idris Darlene Drury Clements 89 of Brenham TX passed into the arms of Jesus surrounded by her family on May 29 2023. A visitation will be held from 500 to 700 p.m. on Thursday June 1 2023 at Memorial Oaks Chapel. She will be laid to rest at the Mount Hope Cemetery in Humboldt Kansas. Idris was born ...
Jane Wyatt Hermes Allen departed this earthly life to be with the Lord on May 26 2023 after a decades long battle with diabetes. She was 83 years and 6 months old at the time of her death. Jane was born on November 8 1939 in Austin TX to Gilbert W. Hermes and Catherine Linton Hermes. She was baptize...
Ashley Jasmine LaKaye Anderson 35 years of age a beloved figure of Houston TX sadly left our world on February 17 2025 after a life richly lived. During her short time here on earth she was able to touch lives around the world. Ashley was a beacon of light and hope in our community touching lives th...
John Spiritual Lockridge Jr. aged 6 passed away on January 22 2025. The life and legacy of John Spiritual Lockridge Jr. will be cherished.
Mr. Limbric A. Hines Jr. aged 73 passed away on February 4 2025. The life and legacy of Mr. Limbric A. Hines Jr. will be cherished.
Ms. Ashley JasmineLaKaye Anderson aged 35 passed away on Monday February 17 2025. The life and legacy of Ms. Ashley JasmineLaKaye Anderson will be cherished.
John Spiritual Lockridge Jr. aged 6 passed away on January 22 2025. The life and legacy of John Spiritual Lockridge Jr. will be cherished.
Mr. Limbric A. Hines Jr. aged 73 passed away on February 4 2025. The life and legacy of Mr. Limbric A. Hines Jr. will be cherished.
Mary Beth Cecil Holle of Flower Mound TX passed away June 3 2023 at the age of 70. She will be buried at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Cemetery of William Penn. The funeral service will be held at Memorial Oaks Chapel on Thursday June 8 2023 at 1000 a.m. with Pastor Rusty Sullivan and Pastor Nick Schmid...
A visitation will be held with family present on Tuesday June 6 2023from 57 pm at Memorial Oaks Chapel. Funeral arrangements are entrusted to Memorial Oaks Chapel 1306 West Main Street Brenham TX 77833.
Wade Bubba Earl Jurries 75 of Brenham passed away on June 1 2023 at Baylor Scott and White Hospital in Brenham. Wade was born on August 29 1947 in Brenham TX to Alvin and Ora Nell Wickel Jurries. Wade was baptized on November 9 1947 at Grace Lutheran Church of Brenham. He received the Holy Rite of C...
Idris Darlene Drury Clements 89 of Brenham TX passed into the arms of Jesus surrounded by her family on May 29 2023. A visitation will be held from 500 to 700 p.m. on Thursday June 1 2023 at Memorial Oaks Chapel. She will be laid to rest at the Mount Hope Cemetery in Humboldt Kansas. Idris was born ...
Jane Wyatt Hermes Allen departed this earthly life to be with the Lord on May 26 2023 after a decades long battle with diabetes. She was 83 years and 6 months old at the time of her death. Jane was born on November 8 1939 in Austin TX to Gilbert W. Hermes and Catherine Linton Hermes. She was baptize...