Obituaries in Augusta, KY

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Obituaries in Augusta, KY

Louis Robert Kalin
Louis Robert Kalin

Our family at Moore and Parker Funeral Home is dedicated to serving our families and friends at this time of uncertainty. After careful consideration consulting with our local health departments funeral director associations and reviewing recommendations from CDC the following recommendation has bee...

Read Louis Robert Kalin's Obituary

George Hartley
George Hartley

Our family at Moore and Parker Funeral Home is dedicated to serving our families and friends at this time of uncertainty. After careful consideration consulting with our local health departments funeral director associations and reviewing recommendations from CDC the following recommendation has bee...

Read George Hartley's Obituary

Cana Omer Coleman
Cana Omer Coleman

Our family at Moore and Parker Funeral Home is dedicated to serving our families and friends at this time of uncertainty. After careful consideration consulting with our local health departments funeral director associations and reviewing recommendations from CDC the following recommendation has bee...

Read Cana Omer Coleman's Obituary

Margie Clos Smith
Margie Clos Smith

Our family at Moore and Parker Funeral Home is dedicated to serving our families and friends at this time of uncertainty. After careful consideration consulting with our local health departments funeral director associations and reviewing recommendations from CDC the following recommendation has bee...

Read Margie Clos Smith's Obituary

David James Fatka
David James Fatka

Our family at Moore and Parker Funeral Home is dedicated to serving our families and friends at this time of uncertainty. After careful consideration consulting with our local health departments funeral director associations and reviewing recommendations from CDC the following recommendation has bee...

Read David James Fatka's Obituary