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Rosa Cecilia Gonzales age 66 of Andrews Texas passed from this life Friday September 22 2023 in Odessa Texas. Family and friends will gather to celebrate her life at 200PM Friday September 29 2023 at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Andrews TX. with Father Joseph Ogbonna officiating. Visitatio...
Maria Isabel Martinez de Salinas 77 of Andrews Texas passed away surrounded by her family on Saturday September 23 2023.
Ezekiel Joey Castaneda age 1 of Andrews Texas Passed from this life September 21 2023 in Lubbock TX.
Sharon Starks. age 76 of Andrews Texas passed from this life Thursday September 14 2023 in Granbury Texas. Family and friends will gather to celebrate her life at 100 PM Thursday September 21 2023 at McNett Funeral Home in Andrews TX. with Pastor Leslie Boone officiating. Burial will Follow at the A...
Family and friends will gather to celebrate her life 1000AM Friday September 22 2023 at The McNett Funeral Home Chapel in Andrews Texas with a burial to follow at the Andrews County North Cemetery. Visitation will be held Wednesday September 20 2023 and Thursday September 21 2023 from 400PM800PM at ...
Darrell was born on July 29 1938 in Lewis Colorado to George and Gladys Loyd. Darrell enlisted in the Navy out of high school and served 4 years as a seaman apprentice. He moved his family from Cortez Colorado to Andrews Texas in 1993. Darrell had a love of horses and spent much of his time working ...
Isaah was born to Marvin Lopez and Geneva Torres on July 20 1998. He was their firstborn. As a childhe was full of energy and always had to be doing something. His curiosity had a hint of mischievousness to it which would be replaced as the protective older brother once his remaining siblings joined...
Leonard F. Partain Sr 88 of Midland went to join the heavenly choir on October 27 2022. Graveside services are Wednesday November 2 2022 at 200 PM. There will be a reception on Tuesday evening November 1 2022 between 6 and 8 PM at Andrews Corgill Funeral Home. Leonard was born in Dover AR on January...
October 2022 online edition. Gregorio spent much of his life providing happiness through the palate one of the best reasons to smile. This is a reflection of his time as the owner of La Morena restaurant by a local patron. In Andrews this mostly serveyourself TexMex restaurant was a community staple...
Clifford Lloyd Ashbaugh of Midland Texas sadly left us Monday morning 1252022 at Midland Memorial Hospital. Cliff was born July 27 He worked in the Roofing and Construction Industry for Bee Gee Construction from August 1990 until his death. Cliff was preceded in death by his Mother Father and older ...