Kimberly Bostock

Kimberly Anne Bostock

December 26, 1983 ~ November 12, 2012 | 28

Kimberly Bostock

Kimberly, loved by many, passed away suddenly in her home. Far too young to be lost from this world we share the world, in life, and in death. In death she will be remembered as a caring, loving mother. Kim, wherever you are, we all miss you, love you, and most of all, pray for you. May you rest well in the warm embrace of god.

44 Days until next birthday (12/26/2012 or 26/12/2012)
322 Days since previous birthday (12/26/2011 or 26/12/2011)
317 Day of the year passed on
49 Remaining days in the year
55 11/12/2012   (11 + 12 + 20 + 12)
28 Years lived
10549 Total days lived