joselito solorzano

joselito joselito solorzano

February 25, 1970 ~ February 02, 2014 | 43

joselito solorzano

hello sorry for the inconvenience wanted to see if I could be granted one wish which is to see the candle my dad online I am his daughter who lives in El Salvador my name is yesenia solorzano carolina I'm wrong because I can not assist you with the last goodbye to my father beg you to grant me see the computer even for the funeral of my father will thank you hope to see all my life thanks beseech blessings

23 Days until next birthday (2/25/2014 or 25/2/2014)
342 Days since previous birthday (2/25/2013 or 25/2/2013)
33 Day of the year passed on
332 Remaining days in the year
38 2/2/2014   (2 + 2 + 20 + 14)
43 Years lived
16048 Total days lived