Jaime Estacio

Jaime A. Estacio

March 31, 1950 ~ September 09, 2012 | 62

Jaime Estacio

A special dad is hard to find, You dad I''m keeping in my mind, I wished you could have stayed forever, But I will never forget you oh not ever. If dreams weren''t dreams and dreams came true, I wouldn''t be here I''d be with you. Distance is one thing that keeps us apart, But dad you will always remain in my heart. A special smile, a special face, a special someone I can''t replace, I love you and I always will, You filled a space that no one will ever replace.

203 Days until next birthday (3/31/2013 or 31/3/2013)
162 Days since previous birthday (3/31/2012 or 31/3/2012)
253 Day of the year passed on
113 Remaining days in the year
50 9/9/2012   (9 + 9 + 20 + 12)
62 Years lived
22808 Total days lived