Dominic Hope

Dominic William Hope

December 02, 1979 ~ January 20, 2012 | 32

Dominic Hope

Dominic was my husband''s brother, and to me that made him my brother. He was the one and only person that was there for Chris for 5 years; when everyone else left him hanging. Dom did what he could when he could, but it wasn''t about money for those two, it was about an inseparable bond that they shared as brothers. Dom and Chris had a bond so strong that not not even death could break it. They had a love so strong and pure, that It was refreshing to see. When they were around each other all you could see was "Teeth" .He was always smiling with that beautiful unmistakable grin. They always looked out for one.another and they were their " Brother's Keeper". My brother loved Me when my husbands family disregarded our two children and abandoned Buff, but not Dom. Dom ,made me feel as if we were our own little family especially to his youngest nephew Christopher Jr. He came to every football game my son had faithfully for two years. He never missed aet holiday, report cards, sporting events or birthdays and party's for any of us, just like a Capricorn. Chris is a man of few words but the words I know he used frequently with Dom was "I Love You Yo" and he meant those words. From the Royster family "We love you so much " and you will forever be apart of our lives , until in heaven....."I Love You Yo" Lovingly Submitted, Buff, Wodie (Joi). Chris Jr (11), Christian(6), Joidon(18) and Shamera(16) This page was purchased for my husband in honor of his Brother, work out partner, and Best Friend Dominic William Hope "DOM' Rest Easy. Joi " Wodie ' January 31,2012

317 Days until next birthday (12/2/2012 or 2/12/2012)
49 Days since previous birthday (12/2/2011 or 2/12/2011)
20 Day of the year passed on
346 Remaining days in the year
53 1/20/2012   (1 + 20 + 20 + 12)
32 Years lived
11737 Total days lived